Ellalouise Middleton is 16 years old from Essex. She was diagnosed at 14 years old and it has had a massive impact on her life within these few years. Her life style has changed dramatically due to this Illness because she cannot do any of her hobbies or interest i.e. play football, dance and horse ride. This is down to Dystonia effecting hurt legs, and feet.
She is often wheel chair bound or on crutches, unfortunately there is not cure for Dystonia so support is a big deal to Ellalousie and other sufferers.
Support comes in the form of The Dystonia Society; the Dystonia Society provides practical and emotional support to people with this neurological condition by providing support and information services through our national Helpline and our network of local branches. We also support research to find better treatments for this incurable condition.
You can read more on this charity event at Ellalouise's just giving page - ellalouise-Just Giving
www.pureg33k.com is proud to announce the first of many charitie campaigns by supporting Ellalousie's event/cause. PureG33k plan on supporting vairous charities and indie developers to ensure gaming can help in every way!
Buy any products with the Dystonia Society logo and pureg33k.com will donate £1.00 GBP of the sale to EllaLousie cause.

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