Friday, 9 August 2013

How do you Launch Yours?

With so much excitement around the next generation of consoles launching this year I wanted to see how you will launch yours?
You see I’m leaning more towards the PS4 (Wait... don’t get the pitch forks out yet!!!).  I’ve always owned a PS3 and Xbox 360, from the two I’ve loved the Xbox 360 with the PS3 ever only being used as a gaming machine since ‘Last Of Us’.

I love the fact my friends and family own a 360 and we can jump on, join together in party chat and have a fantastic time on the same games while socializing and being kids again on the voice comms.  Easy transition and just a feeling of LAN without the Local in it………..the addition of a great controller and it’s a package of delight (bit like Turkish delight without the Turkish??!?).

Now, I can not quiet put my finger on it or describe in words but something Sony is doing with the PS4 and their attitude is making me forget about the PS3 less friendly online user interface, uncomfortable pad and internet lag… I don’t know what it is but the PS4 is screaming at me “GET ME!!! YOU NEED ME!  FEEL ME!”.
MS with their Xbox One is making me feel…well “pah” and I’m quiet not sure why that is (I’m going to miss smelling the Bill Gates).
With my two brothers and a handful of gamer friends I’m trying to entice them to join me so we can still do our online sessions and our little LAN’s whilst we play in our marmite stained pants and Haribo sticky fingers.

So, my launch plans if my friends and family join me on the PS4 front will be -  Collect me pre-order at 00:00 with my brothers and friends, take off the following day from work (and another few if it’s not launched on a Friday ‘tears’). All race to an agreed house (hopefully my brothers) and we all open together with tears of joy and excitement while screaming for attention to look at our systems… when their all exactly the same.
Sit down with a big bag of greasy munch, a few take aways and just game it online all together with Battlefield 4, Killzone 2 and a few F2P titles Sony will hopefully have available!

How will you launch yours? And do you think I’m right in swaying my friends and family to join the Sony evolution or leave them to the Xbox One whilst I’ll LAN on my own with my wife putting up with my screaming and spraying spit everywhere of excitement? Or perhaps provide me tips on how I can seal the deal on them converting!!

How will you Launch yours? (Xbox One & PS4)
 free polls 

Comments below!!

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