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awww aren't they cute |
When Nintendo announced the support of the Wii-Motes on the Wii U I was pretty excited. You see I bought my Wife the Wii with 4x Wii-Motes and the whole Guitar Hero package (Drum, 2x guitars, mic etc) and I rocked out with my Coc.....*ahem*. In fact, that's all it was pretty much used for with the random Wii Fit usage by my Wife.
Come the Wii U... I jump on the early band wagon and pre-order the full lock stock the freaking lot package. I've always been a Nintendo supporter, I just love it how they try something new or different and have big enough balls to mix it up a bit rather than just chucking out a regular HD, shader’s by the sq root of 1040343.1821 pixels, high glory graphics machine with the same old re-hash games (and bless people still moan at Nintendo for attempting stuff other companies won’t).
So with Wii U in hand, booting up Nintendo Land with my friends to find a few games require 4x nun-chucks (that’s fine.. most European house holds might have a few or friends to borrow) and 4x Wii-MotionPlus motes! Look at the statistics and you will see not many people actually own Wii-MotionPlus motes, let alone 4 and after searching it’s pretty hard to find legit adaptors for our current Wii-motes.
Then the much anticipated system seller ‘Pikmin 3’ was shown. It was mentioned for the extremely exciting multiplayer mode, again you need a Wii-Motion Plus controller!!!!
Luckily 5 minutes before I started writing the originally planned article
with hatred I. I read this -
As much as I love Nintendo doing something different, can we take a bit of a break from having so many controllers…the expenditure is getting borderline. My next question is “Do I now need to hunt down and save up for 4x Motion Plus adaptors or get a mortgage to buy another 4x Motion Plus controllers for future compatibility?”
What do you Guys & Gals own? Already have 4x Wii Motion Plus motes? Just the standard or are you over dosed by Nintendo accessories (Pro controller, game pad, 4x motes, 4x motion plus, 4x classic pads, 4x nun chucks, 4x game cube controllers….oh the humanity!)
Your Comments below please!
I don't have a WiiU but I do have 2 of the old wiimotes with the Motion Plus Add ons.
ReplyDeleteNot bad. Tried Pikmin 3 last night for about 30 minutes, was hoping for the same kind of control scheme as the Pikmin xperince in Nintendo Land but they use touch screen just for a map more or less, still it's a promising game! Can not wait to get back on it tonight!